Monday, August 26, 2013

Unit 6 – Cash Journal
The cash journal is a tool for managing cash that supports posting cash receipts and payments. It allows:
·         Create a separate cash journal for each currency
·         Post to customer, vendor, and general ledger accounts
·         Run several cash journals in each company code
·         Choose a random number for cash journal identification (a four-digit alphanumeric key)
To set up a new cash journal for a company code, we have to enter the appropriate values for the following fields:
·         The company code in which you want to use the cash journal
·         The four digit cash journal identification and name
·         The G/L accounts to which you want to post the cash journal business transactions
·         The currency in which you want to run the cash journal
·         The document types for:
·         G/L account postings
o   Outgoing payments to vendors
o   Incoming payments from vendors
o   Outgoing payments to customers
o   Incoming payments from customers
There are two places where you can define new cash journal business transactions:
·         in the cash journal itself
·         In Customizing (IMG).
To create a business transaction, make the following settings:
·         The company code
·         The type of business transaction (note: you cannot make an entry in the field G/L account for accounting transaction types D and K.)
·         Specify tax codes for the business transactions E (Expense) and R (Revenue)
·         For business transaction categories E, R, C, and B, you can set and indicator to enable the general ledger account for the business transaction to be changed when the document is entered. In this case, the general ledger account is only a default value.
·         For business transaction categories E and R, you can set and indicator to enable the tax code for the business transaction to be changed when the document is entered. If no tax code has been defined, you have to specify one (if required for the account) when you create the document.
·         Once saved, the business transaction is assigned a number automatically. During document entry, the business transaction can be called up by its name or its number.
·         You can set an indicator that blocks the business transaction for further postings.
Cash Journal Transactions
The cash journal is one of the Enjoy business transactions that you can process on a single screen.
A cash journal document can contain several items with different tax codes and/or account assignments relevant to cost accounting. When the cash journal document is forwarded to Financial Accounting, only one accounting document is therefore created.
The cash journal is one of the Enjoy business transactions that you can process on a single screen.
A cash journal document can contain several items with different tax codes and/or account assignments relevant to cost accounting. When the cash journal document is forwarded to Financial Accounting, only one accounting document is therefore created.
In the cash journal you can create a business transaction linked to a one-time account. If you use a one-time account in the cash journal, the dialog box for entering the one-time data is called automatically and the entries saved in the cash journal.
You can save cash journal entries locally in the cash journal subledger, and copy or delete them. The cash journal entries saved are posted to the general ledger, for example, at the end of the working day.

Cash journal can be used for
·         Customer and one time customer
·         Vendor and one time vendor

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