Chapter 2
There are 3 steps to create and use chart of accounts
Define COA
Define Properties of COA
Assign it to Co Code
The chart of accounts is a variant that contains the
structure and the basic Information about general ledger accounts. It contains
list of all accounts.
You define the chart of accounts with a
four-character ID.
You can define the individual components of the
chart of account, for example, language, length of the G/L account number,
group chart of accounts, status
The length of the G/L account numbers can be
from 1 to 10 digits.
It must be assigned to every company code.
Maintenance language is the language in which
account descriptions are maintained.
Definition of chart of account contains
Char t of accounts key
General information
Maintenance languages
Length of G/L accounts
Controlling integration
Group account number is used for cross company code
reporting if company codes use different chart of accounts.
A chart of account not yet completed can be blocked so that
no company code will use it until its ready
One chart of account can be assigned to several company
Controlling component uses same chart of account financial
accounting component . if company codes intend to use same cross-company code
controlling, they must Have same chart of accounts.
chart of accounts segment
The information for
an account is summarized in a chart of accounts segment.
It contains:
Account number
Name of the account (as short and as long text)
Control fields (see the following graphics)
Consolidation fields
The information
entered in the chart of account segment for a G/L account applies to all
company codes.
Texts entered for the
chart of accounts segment are managed by text ID and language.
Texts with different
information can be entered for each chart of accounts segments.
chart of accounts segment fields
type/ description
Information entered in chart of accounts segment for G/L
account applies to all company codes
We can define and change the layout of the tab pages for the
individual processing of the G/L account master data. We can define:
The number of tab pages
The title of the tab pages
The field groups that we require and their
position on the tab pages
We can select the layouts for central
processing, and processing in the chart of accounts-and company code-specific
Company code segment
To use one of the accounts from the assigned chart of
accounts in our company code, we must create a company code segment for the
The Company code segment contains information refers
exclusively to company code concerned.
Company code segment for same
G/L accounts can be different depending on the requirements of company code.
STEPS: a company code segment
is created and then its assigned a chart of accounts to use the accounts
We define the information that
is relevant to each company code in Co Code Segment:
Reconciliation account
Line item display
Sort key
Field status group
House bank
Interest calculation information
Company code segment fields
Control data
Balance sheet or a profit and loss statement account
In the chart of accounts segment, we have to
specify whether the account is a balance sheet or a profit and loss statement
account because of their treatment in the closing procedure.
For balance sheet accounts, the balance is
carried forward to the same account.
For profit and loss statement accounts, the
balance is carried forward to a retained earnings account and the profit and
loss statement account is set to zero.
A key “X” is assigned to account to which
balance is carried forward. The key is entered in the field “P&L Statement type” in chart of accounts segment
If there is only one retained earnings account,
the system automatically uses the one defined in Customizing. If there is more
than one retained earnings account, when we create a master record, we can
select the retained earnings account for each profit and loss statement
Account groups
The Account groups control two main things
Number ranges of accounts
Field status in the company code segment of
master record
By assigning a number range, accounts of same type are
within same number range.
Number intervals for G/L accounts can overlap
By entering account group in chart of accounts segment,
appearance of company code segment of G/L accounts can be controlled.
Field status
The field status enables to control the display and
maintenance of an account's master data.
Hide - fields that we do not use.
Display - Fields whose values must not be
changed (even in change mode).
Required –
For fields where we must enter a value.
Optional - Fields that can contain an entry, but
are not required
The following fields are always have status of REQUIRED and
can’t changed
Account currency
Field status group
Fields displayed in
G/L master record are not only controlled by account group also by transaction that are using to edit master data
(transaction specific control) {change, create and display}
Reconciliation accounts
Reconciliation accounts are general ledger accounts assigned
to the business partner master records to record all transactions in the sub
All postings to the
sub ledger accounts are automatically posted to the assigned reconciliation
Following are main account types in the field Reconciliation
Account for Account Type:
D for Accounts Receivable
K for Accounts Payable
Typical reconciliation accounts are “Receivables” and
No transaction can be posted to Reconciliation accounts, but
to sub ledger account.
line item display
For accounts without “line item display” only the
transaction figures are updated when a document is posted to this account. When
a user wants to look at this account online, they can only view the balance.
For accounts with “line item display”, the most important
data from the posted line items is stored in a special index table. When a user
wants to look at this account online, they can view both the balance and the
individual line items.
The field line item
display is a control field in company code segment of an account.
We should not activate the line item display for:
Reconciliation accounts (line items are managed
in the sub ledgers)
Revenue accounts (line items are managed by the
Sales Order Management application)
Material stock accounts (line items are managed
by the Purchasing Management application)
Tax accounts (Tax items are only useful in
connection with the document; the tax amounts were already checked when the
document was posted.)
Open item management
Items in accounts with open item management are specified as
open or cleared.
Accounts with open item management must have line item
display activated.
Open item management is prerequisite if you need to check
whether there is an offsetting posting for a given
business transaction.
We should use open item management for the following
Bank clearing accounts
Clearing accounts for goods receipt/invoice
Salary clearing accounts
We can only activate or deactivate open item management if
the account has a zero balance.
If the account currency is the local currency, the account
can be posted to in any currency. The other currencies are converted into the
local currency for each line item.
If the indicator “Only Balances in Local Currency” is
selected in the master data record, transaction figures are only managed for
amounts converted into local currency.
The indicator must be set in cash discount and
GR/IR clearing accounts.
It must not be set in reconciliation accounts
for customers or vendors.
It’s usually set in balance sheet accounts not managed in
Foreign currency
Open item basis
If the account currency is the foreign currency, the account
can be posted to into foreign currency. The other currencies are converted into
the local currency for each line item.
Collective processing
Collective processing for G/L master records
Chart of accounts
Company codes
Chart of accounts
Group Chart of accounts :cross company code
Country Chart of accounts: country’s
specific legal requirements
Operative Chart of accounts: day to day business
Operative Chart of accounts: company
Group Chart of accounts :
chart of accounts
Country Chart of accounts:
country chart of accounts
Profit Center and Segments
SAP enables to save a segment in the master data of a profit
center thus segment is posted to automatically when the profit center is posted
There is no dummy segment posting as in the profit center
Segment is derived thru Profit Center in following cases:
Material Management/Production – Material Master
or Controlling Object
Sales & Distribution – Sales Order
Controlling – Cost objects like Cost Center,
Internal Order etc.
implementation (FAGL_DERIVE_SEGMENT)
substitution rules
account assignment.
Profit Center Accounting has its historical origin in
Controlling. However, due to its increased significance for external
accounting, it is now also a part of Financial Accounting.
Each individual company decides whether Profit Center
Accounting is an instrument of internal or external accounting.
Segments doesn’t have
time reference and is not assigned to hierarchy
A complete customer account consists of the following
three segments:
General data at the client level
Company code segment
Sales area segment
A complete vendor account consists of the following three
General data at the client level
Company code segment
Purchasing organization segment
Account numbers are
assigned to customer and vendor at client level
Sales area segment
must be created for sales area assigned to company code. Purchase area segment
must be created for purchase area assigned to company code.
Customer / Master Data records can be
maintained centrally for all areas or separately for Financial Accounting and Sales and
Distribution/Material Master.
To post vendor invoice general data segment and purchase
area segment is only needed.( same for customer invoice)
We can prevent the creation of duplicate accounts as
Use the match code before you create a new
Activate the automatic duplication check
Account segment
General data
Control data
Payment transactions
Company data
Accounting information
Withholding tax
Explanatory texts can be entered at every segment
Line item display and open item management are configured as
standard for every customer/vendor account.
The Account group in Customer/Vendor controls the
Number Ranges of Account
Status field in the master record
One time Vendor/customer
For each number range you can define whether the number
assignment is internal or external.
Internal numbers are
assigned by the system, whereas external numbers are entered by the user who
creates the record. External numbers may be alphanumeric.
For all customers or vendors with whom you rarely do
business, create a special customer and a special vendor master record. These
master records contain receivables and payables for one-time customers / vendors
(one-time accounts).
Each number range can be assigned to one or more account
The layout of customer/vendor master data screens can be
affected by several factors:
Account group-specific control: This means that
all accounts of one account group have the same screen layout.
Transaction-dependent control: The field status
can be dependent on the master data transaction
Company code-dependent control: We can control
the field status for fields in the company code segment of customer and vendor
master records via the company
code-specific screen layout..
The account group-specific field status, the
transaction-specific field status and the company code specific field status
are compared, and the field status with the highest priority is used.
Dual control principle
We now can define that one person makes changes to customer
or vendor master data while another person is responsible for confirming the
changes, usually for critical customer/vendor changes.
If you can define a field in customer/ vendor master record
as “sensitive” , the corresponding customer / vendor is blocked for payment if
entry is changed. The block is removed when a second person with authorization
checks the change and confirms or rejects it.
Customer/vendor clearing
If a customer is also a vendor, or vice versa, the payment
and the dunning program can clear open items against each other. The open items
of the assigned account can also be displayed in the line item display and the
open item selection screens. To clear open items, we have to carry out the following
We have to enter the vendor account number in
the customer account, or vice versa.
Each company code can decide separately whether
it wants to clear open items between customers and vendors. If clearing is to
be used, you have to select the “Clearing with Vendor” field in the customer
account, or the corresponding field in the vendor account.
Alternative payer/payee
At the client and company code level, you can enter an
alternative payer/payee. The entry in the company code segment has higher
priority than the entry at client level.
All items posted to a branch account are automatically
transferred to the head office account via usage of Head Office/Branch Concept.
The definition of a
chart of accounts contains: Chart of Accounts Key Description Maintenance
language Lenght of the G/L account number Manual or automatic creation of cost
elements group chart of accounts Blocked indicator.
The length of the G/L
account numbers can be from 1-6 digits. False
The account group number
is used for cross-company code reporting if the company codes use different
charts of accounts. True
You use the G/L account
plan to display G/L account master data and to print G/L account lists. True
The company code segment
contains information that referes exclusively to the company code concerned.
This information controls the entry of accounting documents and the management
of accounting data. True
The Company code-segmetn consists of several
groups of fields : Control data Bank/Interest Information Keyword/Translation
The company code segment
consits of several fields : Account control Account management Joint Venture
Document creation Bank/Financial details Interest Calculation Information G/L
Account text.
You can set the
"Tax Category" indicator for a specific company code to include taxes
when income accounts are used. False.
You define the
information that is relevant to each company code : Currency Texes
Reconciliation account Line iteam display Sort key Field status group House
bank Interest calculation information.
Every company code has
to create Company code segment. True
You must enter the
account group in the chart of accounts segment: it controls the appearance of
the company code segment of a G/L account. True
SAP ERP delivers
predefined account groups. True
Certain fields are
grouped together and their field status is valid for the entire groups these
are : Interest calculation indicator Interest cycle Last interest
calculation key date.
The field "Line
Iteam Display" is a control field in the Chart of accounts segment of an
account. False.
As standard, the local
currency is proposed as the account currency when you create a G/L account.
Charts of accounts can
be created by Manually Copying Data transfer.
The group chart of
accounts must be assigned to each operational chart of accounts. If this is
done, the filed "Group account number" in the chart of account
segments of the operational charts of accounts is a required entry field. True.
The company codes use
different operational charts of accounts, no inter-company code controlling can
be performed. True
To use a country chart
of accounts, you need to first assign a CCOA to your company code; then enter
the country chart of accounts number in the company code segment of each G/L
accounts. This is knows as the "Alternative a/c Number. True
If all company codes
post into the same operational chart of accounts, corss-company code
controlling is not possible. False.
Segments are usually
used for external reporting. True
Segment is below the
company code level. True
A business segment is a part of a company.
The segment is posted to automatically when the profit center
is posted to. True
If the profit center does not have a segment,
there is no segment account assignment either. True False.
The Segment objective is
to give a detailed look at the various business activities. True
Profit Center come under
company code. False.
Account number of vendor
and customers must have same for all company codes and sales and pruchasing
organizations. True
Compare master data is a
function which checks for duplication of records maintained in FI vis-a -vis SD
or MM views. True
IBAN as ________
alphanumeric characters. 34
Different customers and
vendors can NOT have the same IBAN.
Explanatory texts can entered in every segment.
G/L account groups are
at the Chart of A/c Level. True
Account groups for
Customer and vendors are at Company code level. False.
The same number range
interval ID can be assigned to any number of A/c group. False.
The customers and
Vendors number ranges must not overlap. True .
You enter the customer/vendor specific data for
one-time customers/vendors in the document during posting. True False.
The ________ is used to
control the fields displayed in the master records. Account group AND NOT Field status.
Transaction code is necessary
for creating Customer or Vendor. True
Charts of accounts can be created byopen iteams
against each other. True False.
If clearing is to be
used, you have to select the "Clearing with Vendor" field in the
customer account, or the corresponding field in the vendor account. True
Setting to pay payee or
payer can be done at Client level or Company code level. True
All items posted to a
branch account are automatically transferred to the head office account.
If you sent the
"account Control and Status" indicator under "additional
Selections" in the report for the customer or vendor list, when you print
the report, you can see the possible head offices for each of the branches.
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